Dark skies. Ice-cold rain. Stormy winds. An extremely rough sea. A desolate thiruvanmiyur beach. 5 people in all. A boy-girl rosy eyed pair. I liked them instantly. Just because they were there at that point. Two other strangers, an umbrella apiece. And me, a helmet on my head, and the rest of me getting wet. Troubles? What are they? Life is all bliss...
But then, the skies clear. The winds cease to blow. The sea calms down. And real life resurfaces...
I am transported. I remember such evenings (with many more people on the beach though:)) on the western seaboard of India
hmm...mumbai?...(and this pic was taken at 11 in the morning, that evening was like night)...
i can actually imagine all of this...yess sometimes simple moments bring the most happiness...:)
why cant reality be forever like this??sigh!
man, I miss the beach... :(...
though never went in very deep while attempting to swim, it's a lot of fun...
I was transported back in time. A little girl, smitten by the ocean, dressed in shorts, on a Sunday morning, dying to let go of her dad's hands so she can run into the waters at Marina beach (which used to be super clean at 6 in the morning).
What a beautiful pic! Thanks for sharing this! I know this is like a REALLY OLD post, but still. :)
June - Hmm...nice...And thanks...Come june, our home would be some 200 meters from the Thiruvanmiyur beach :)...
ha ha! You lucky lucky LUCKY man! I would soooo love to move back to a city by the beach. Especially Madras. And especially Thiruvanmiyur Beach! *Sigh!
HG and I are heading there this weekend! Can't wait!
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