Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Mosquito Knows

This gives some perspective...Yea, there are no mosquito doctors to whom mosquitoes take their sick loved mosquitoes or themselves to get treated...they need not save up for such eventualities. If a mosquito wants to go to Delhi or see the Himalayas or go to Peru, it just has to figure out who is going where and perch itself discreetly on their shoulders...the ride is free...Nevertheless, this gives some perspective...a poem from 'The wondering Minstrels'...
"The Mosquito Knows"

 The mosquito knows full well, small as he is
 he's a beast of prey.
 But after all
 he only takes his bellyful,
 he doesn't put my blood in the bank.

-- D. H. Lawrence


Prerona said...

brilliant! trust dh lawrence to come up with that

Kousik said...

The devil is in the details. The mosq has to read my blog to know when I am going to Delhi next, if it wants to visit the Qutub minar.

frissko said...

prerona - havent read dh lawrence enuf to know wat to expect..but yea, this one struck a chord...loved it..

kousik - :)...

Parth said...

:-) That did touch a chord.

Pinkpoppop said...

I read it differently :) Mosquito is an animal in low regard. He steals blood. But, Lawrence says, mosquitos only steal 'a bellyful', they only steal what they need to survive. Other thieves (humans / large corporations / governments) steal more they really need and put his 'blood' (the money he worked for) in the bank to make themselves richer.

Great poetry is like that..... different people, different interpretations